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Update from Odanadi's Mechanics' Workshop
The young mechanics are continuing to progress in their training at the Odanadi Workshop! Last week the students were practising...
Roy Clark: Adventure Story
I first visited India in 2009 which, for me, was more about riding a motorbike somewhere different than it was about meeting new people....
Sue Mason: Adventure Story
I had travelled to India in the late 1980’s and had been struck by the friendliness and beauty of her people, especially the children. It...
Neil Cooper: Adventure Story
NEIL'S TOP ADVENTURE TIP: Go with the flow. Be resourceful! Be respectful! India is India, they do things in the own way and in their own...
Ian Ordish: Adventure Story
IAN'S TOP ADVENTURE TIP: When travelling be open to new friendships! The world will be ok On the recce trip to the Lost World I was...
Hoa Nguyen: Adventure Story
HOA'S TOP ADVENTURE TIP: It's fine to feel a little nervous when entering new territory. My first day as an intern started off on the...
Ailsa Vincent: Adventure Story
AILSA'S TOP ADVENTURE TIP: Step out of your comfort zone and make new friends. Call me a comfortable Armchair many years...
Barry Scard: Adventure Story
BARRY'S TOP ADVENTURE TIP: Traveling with your children may open up a life-changing experience! I will always remember the day my son,...
Nathan Scard: Adventure Story
NATHAN'S TOP ADVENTURE TIP: So if you're doing what I did and thinking about doing something meaningful - stop thinking and just do it. I...
Sarah Child: Adventure Story
SARAH'S TOP ADVENTURE TIP: There are many, wet wipes are your friend in any situation, ensure the seal on the water bottle is intact or...
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