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A fellow biker and yogi is raising money for Odanadi through Yoga Stops Traffick Canada

Geoff Mackenzie is a fellow biker and Yoga teacher and is passionate about the work of Odanadi - so an all round pretty cool guy! During May and June he is biking round Canada, expanding on the inspiring work of Yoga Stops Traffick by rallying fellow yoga communities to come together for Odanadi. Geoff will be holding classes in towns and cities in every province, challenging participants to complete 108 Surya Namaskar (sun salutations) - not an easy task!

Funds raised by this great adventure will be given to Odanadi to support the day to day operations of Odanadi's girls' house. Can you donate to this amazing adventure and support Geoff? Click HERE for Geoff's Go Fund Me page for more information.