A little update from our friend Doc
Hello All from beautiful Kodai!
COVID be damned! Kodai is still the place we love above all others!
Schools, and the Bethania creches have been closed since March. There's a possibility they may open in October, but that depends on the COVID situation. In Kodai, we were relatively safe until June, when a few super-spreader events introduced it into the community. Now, with tourists allowed in, there's more and more.
We're waiting to resume the work at the creches, always keeping in mind the safety of the students, staff, and health-care professionals.
Much gratitude to all of you for your continued support!
Doc   Â
Sending Doc and the families in Kodai our very best wishes! We can't wait to resume our work with the local creches as well as being able to safely distribute the family health kits we fundraised for last Christmas!